Hey everybody! I'm so excited!!! 

First of all, thank you so much for stopping by my new website. This will allow us to keep in touch and give you a little more insight about what's going on with me and my career. This is just one of so many good things that are going on in my life right now. My new project "Can I Blow For You?", will be released no later than June 1, 2010!!! The response and feedback I'm getting about the project is nothing short of incredible; and it isn't even out yet. The industry is buzzing about it! I've also…

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Details, Details, Details 

Details make the difference.  No matter what it is you do; attention to the details is what will set you apart from the vast majority of so many others that do the same thing that you do.  Short cuts will usually backfire and you end up cutting yourself short.

As I work so diligently to bring you the best of me musically, I pay close attention to every note and nuance within this conglomerate of sound we call music.  The goal is not to make it technically perfect, but artistically sound.  With todays use…

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